Welcome to the Music Boosters Announcements, 4/25/2024

Don't miss "The Pirates Of Penzance"

The Music Department will be staging one of Gilbert and Sullivan’s best-loved operettas on Friday, March 30 and Saturday, March 31 at 7:00 PM. For tickets or more information please call Ms. Campbell 216-642-5860 Ext. 1222.

The Synopsis: Frederic has been taught since childhood to be a sea-going bandit by the Pirate King, but with his 21st birthday imminent, Frederic wants to leave pirating behind, especially after he becomes infatuated with innocent Mabel. But the Pirate King informs Frederic that since he was born on the last day of February on a Leap Year, his 21st birthday won’t roll around for some time yet, and he still owes the King some raiding on the high seas. To Frederic’s embarrassment, the Pirate King’s next target turns out to be Major General Stanley, Mabel’s father!

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