Welcome to the Music Boosters Announcements, 4/25/2024

From the Band Director

Dear IHS Music Department Parents and Students:

As our seasoned veteran musicians are already well aware, The City of Independence Home Days (August 5/6) is quite possibly the most lucrative of all of our fund-raising activities for the school year. Associated with this event are pop booths that need to manned, a “Dunk the Dolly” booth for our Drill Team, ticket/wristband sales, and, most importantly, the selling of raffle tickets!

We are asking each member of the IHS Music Department to make a concentrated effort to sell 4 books of raffle tickets (24 total tickets). Tickets cost $1.00 each or a book of 6 tickets can be purchased for the bargain price of $5.00! The prizes that can be won are quite spectacular and odds of winning are quite good. Each student will receive 4 books of raffle tickets enclosed in this envelope. ALL TICKET STUBS, MONEY, AND ANY TICKETS THAT ARE NOT SOLD MUST BE RETURNED TO THE IHS MUSIC DEPARTMENT BY JULY 29, 2011; otherwise, our department will be charged for each unreturned and unsold ticket. (Yes, we could actually lose money on this fund-raiser!) If you are in need of extra books of tickets, please contact me at the email address below and I would be pleased to make sure that you receive whatever you need. Checks can be made out to “IHS.”

I respectfully ask for your cooperation in helping us to sell these tickets. They can be easily sold to out-of-town relatives, at your summer activities, or places of employment. A mass email or text message can easily sell most of these tickets for you in a very short time. The money received from this fund-raiser will be split with 75% of the profit going to the IHS Music Department to purchase much needed supplies over the coming years and the remaining 25% of the profit going into your individual trip accounts for the 2013 Florida Trip. Seniors for 2011-2012 will be donating their profits to making the Music Department strong and viable for future generations of music students—“paying it forward” just as their predecessors have done for them.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at mschatt@independence.k12.oh.us. I look forward to working with you on this extremely profitable activity!

Mr. Schatt

See all the recent postings including those viewed via email on the Music Boosters Home Page, or in the archives Music Boosters Archives
